• CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1  |  Communication interface  | Implement communication between devices
  • CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1  |  Communication interface  | Implement communication between devices

CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 | Communication interface | Implement communication between devices

Product ID: Number: 3BSE018451R1
ABB model name: CI522AK04
Directory Description: CI522AK04 AF 100 communication port
Media description: CI522AK04 AF 100 communication interface
Product type: Communication_Module
Technical information: AF100 interface kit
Net weight: 1.07 kg
  • CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1  |  Communication interface  | Implement communication between devices
Product ID: Number: 3BSE018451R1
ABB model name: CI522AK04
Directory Description: CI522AK04 AF 100 communication port
Media description: CI522AK04 AF 100 communication interface
Product type: Communication_Module
Technical information: AF100 interface kit
Net weight: 1.07 kg
CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 Communication interface means a connection component or specification for information exchange between different devices or systems.
Its main features include:
Standardization: CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 follows certain standards to ensure interoperability between different devices.
Diversification: There are many types, such as serial port, parallel port, Ethernet interface, etc., to meet different communication needs.
Transmission rate: Transmission speed varies, can be selected according to demand.
Stability: CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 ensures communication reliability and stability.
The main functions are:
Connect devices: Establish physical connections between devices.
Transmission data: CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 to realize the exchange of information.
Ensure protocol consistency: Ensure that both parties comply with the same rules.

Provide electrical characteristics: meet the requirements of signal transmission.
Application scenarios include:
Computer network: Connect servers, clients, etc.
Consumer Electronics: CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 Such as mobile phones, TVS and other devices connection.
Industrial control: enables communication between devices.
When selecting a communication interface, consider the following factors:
Device compatibility: Ensure compatibility with other devices.
Communication protocol: CI522AK04-3BSE018451R1 meets application requirements.
Transmission rate: meets data transmission requirements.
Reliability: Ensures stable and reliable communication.