PC board
512 MB of ECC SDRAM memory
L2 (Layer 2)
Dual PCI & PMC
Gigabit E-NET
64-bit PCI extension connector
Subcategory: Industrial computer boards
Weight: 1.23 pounds
Category: PLC/ Machine Control
• Processor: MPC7457 1 GHz
• Memory: 512 MB SDRAM
• IEEE controller
Part number: 01-W3885F 01C, 01-W3885F 01E
The MPC7450 series PowerPC processor, with a frequency of 1 GHz
512 KB on-chip L2 cache and 2 MB L3 cache
AltiVec coprocessor for high-performance computing applications
Two sets of welded flash memory
Dual independent 64-bit PCI bus and PMC site
The Emerson MVME5500 series VMEbus single-board computers are designed to meet the needs of Oems, including those in the defense and aerospace, industrial automation, and medical imaging segments. If customers want to make technical updates for their applications while maintaining backward compatibility with their existing VMEbus infrastructure, they can upgrade to the MVME5500 series and take advantage of enhanced performance features.
The MVME5500 uses the MPC7457 processor running at 1 GHz, making it ideal for data-intensive applications. The MVME5500 not only delivers better processor performance; It also provides balanced performance through processors, memory, dual independent local buses, and I/O subsystems.
The powerful Marvell system controller supports 133 MHz host bus and 133 MHz SDRAM memory bus, which perfectly matches the high-speed processor. To match system I/O with outstanding processor performance, the MVME5500 offers dual 64-bit 33/66 MHz PCI buses. Each PCI bus has a PMC site that supports cards running at 33 or 66 MHz. The Universe II VME interface and PMCspan connector are isolated from the PMC site on a dedicated 33 MHz PCI bus segment, so both PMC sites are capable of operating at 66 MHz.
The MVME5500 also offers a Gigabit Ethernet interface, a 10/100BaseTX Ethernet interface, and two serial ports. All of this adds up to a balanced set of high-performance subsystems to achieve unmatched performance.