Model: PXIe-6509
Bus connector: PXI Express
Single-ended digital I/O channel current driver: 24 mA
Digital I/O logic level: 5 V
Number of input channels only: 0
Number of digital output channels only: 0
Number of two-way digital channels: 96
Digital input voltage range: 0 V to 5 V
Output voltage range: 0 V to 5.5 V
Maximum clock rate: -
Signaling type: single-end
PXle, 96-channel, 5VTTL/CMOS, 24mAPXI digital I/0 module
The PXle-6509 can directly drive external digital devices such as solid-state relays (SSRS). You can configure each line as an input or output, or you can configure each line using user-configurable pull-up or pull-down resistors. The Pxle-6509 programmable power-on status feature allows users to configure the initial output status using software to ensure unobtrance-free and safe operation when connected to industrial actuators. The PXle-6509 can be switched to a configurable security output state using a digital /0 watchdog to ensure that a fault state is detected and safely recovered. The Pxle-6509 includes a programmable input filter that eliminates burrs/spikes and provides dejitter for digital switches/relays via a software-selectable digital filter.